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Architecture and designing

Projektēšanas grupa F.L. Tadao SIA Lugažu 6, RĪGA, LV1045 29258573 Architecture and designing
Projekti un vadība SIA Liepājas 1-1, KULDĪGA, KULDĪGAS NOV., LV3301 63322601 Architecture and designing
PROJEKTS 18 IK Meža 9-64, JAUNOLAINE, OLAINES PAG., OLAINES NOV., LV2127 28688327 Architecture and designing
Projekts L SIA Avotu 68-13, RĪGA, LV1009 29182108 Architecture and designing
Projekts SIA, projektēšanas birojs Rīgas 64a, GULBENE, GULBENES NOV., LV4401 26128862 Architecture and designing
Projekts-māja SIA 'Zvaigznes', CENU PAG., OZOLNIEKU NOV., LV3018 26542202 Architecture and designing
Projektu birojs Grietēns un Kagainis SIA Cepļa 22, RĪGA, LV1004 67381950 Architecture and designing
Projektu birojs Rīgā - E.BUŠS arhitekts SIA Skolas 21-610a, RĪGA, LV1010 26459026 Architecture and designing
Proventus Projekti SIA Augusta Deglava 156-177, RĪGA, LV1021 67273014 Architecture and designing
R.A.K.T. SIA Krišjāņa Barona 59/61, RĪGA, LV1001 29256685 Architecture and designing
R58 SIA Raunas 58/6, RĪGA, LV1039 29182775 Architecture and designing
Rainets SIA Ropažu 45, RĪGA, LV1006 67565212 Architecture and designing
Raps arhitekti SIA Vecozolu 13, MĀRUPE, MĀRUPES NOV., LV2167 29179575 Architecture and designing
RBSSKALS Būvvadība SIA Ojāra Vācieša 6b, RĪGA, LV1004 67225520 Architecture and designing
RC Ainava SIA Valkas 7, ALŪKSNE, ALŪKSNES NOV., LV4301 29138066 Architecture and designing
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